Tagged with The Wild Orchid

The Wild Orchid – Chapter 2

Iyani stretched and leaned back against the mast of the Wild Orchid.  She had returned hours ago, and had immediately begun work on the ship.  The work was fast, and after only a few hours she had returned the sail to working order.  Sinta had dropped by for a moment or two earlier just to … Continue reading

The Wild Orchid – Chapter 1

Read Prologue here. Caradin laughed heartily spinning the wheel of the large airship deftly, another powerful fire spell barely missing the bow of his ship as it lulled impossibly to the left.  This was when the wild dwarf was the most alive, and he always had the briefest feelings of invulnerability.  And why not, he asked … Continue reading

The Wild Orchid – Prologue

Shadows danced across the wall of the underground tomb as a torch cast back the darkness. The man holding it had a hard time keeping his hands from shaking, even as he continued forward. He knew what he must do for his master, though it might tax his courage. The hallway he was in opened … Continue reading